1. Fractions Video
  2. Mission #1 (show work on separate paper)
    • Get 7 correct
  3. Mission #2 (show work on separate paper)
    • Get 7 correct

1/16: Mental Math Dash Links

Record the NUMBER CORRECT in your mental math dash.
  1. M5
  2. D5
  3. Add Int
  4. Div Int

NOW, complete your missions for today and record the results in your mental math dash. 

Tuesday Mental Math

1. M2
2. D2

I can take the MAP test to measure my academic growth in MATH.

1. Take MAP test HERE and use code on board.

  • If you see "OOPS where is my test window":

  • Click on pop-up blocker on the RIGHT side where this a little red "x".
  • Then, click on the link that pops  up in the box...this will bring you to the correct site

  • 2. Log onto Exit Ticket and take the "Fractions Pre-assessment"

    3. Raise your hand to get the Homework for tonight